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Ricevi Pranamat ECO e inizia oggi il tuo percorso di benessere

Pranamat + PranaPillow + Mini + BigBag Violet & Violet
Full Body PRO
Mat + Pillow + Mini + Big Bag
Lavanda & Lavanda
This is the easiest way to store your Pranamat ECO flat to extend it’s life even beyond the 5-year warranty. It’s the smartest investment.
Nel Carrello
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Full Body PRO
Pranamat ECO + PranaPillow + Mini Lavanda & Lavanda
Full Body Original
Mat + Pillow + Mini
Lavanda & Lavanda
This unique and patented Massage Set is proven effective in clinical trials. Full body massage from head to toe.
Nel Carrello
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Full Body Original
Pranamat ECO + PranaPillow Lavanda & Lavanda
Mat + Pillow
Lavanda & Lavanda
The original, industry-leading acupressure massage set.
Nel Carrello
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Assicurati che sia la tua scelta perfetta

Sollievo da rigidità e dolori a collo e testa
Massaggio alla schiena per tensioni e sollievo dallo stress
Massaggio a piedi e gambe per ricarica di energia ed equilibrio psicofisico
Massaggio per tutto il corpo per massimo effetto terapeutico
Essere pronto a viaggiare e riporre con semplicità il mio Pranamat ECO
5 anni di Garanzia


Schiena Sana
Schiena Sana
Il 93%
Ha confermato un sollievo significativo o la risoluzione completa del mal di schiena
Mente Lucida
Mente Lucida
dei partecipanti allo studio ha segnalato la scomparsa o un significativo alleviamento del mal di testa
Carica di Energia
Carica di Energia
Il 100%
dei clienti ha notato una riduzione dell'affaticamento
Sonno Profondo e Riposante
Sonno Profondo e Riposante
Il 95%
delle persone afferma che un massaggio prima di coricarsi aiuta ad addormentarsi più velocemente e fa svegliare meno volte durante la notte
Umore Migliore
Umore Migliore
Il 90%
dei partecipanti allo studio ha dichiarato di sentirsi significativamente più felice dopo aver utilizzato Pranamat ECO per 30 giorni
Marie Clarie
Womens Health

Ogni persona adora Pranamat

I had difficulties sleeping due to muscle tension.using pranamat significantly reduced the tension and considerably improved my sleep. Highly recommended
I just love my Pranamat. My friend from work told me about the Pranamat a couple years ago to help her with chronic pain. She brought it into work, and so I tried it, and I instantly fell in love. I have scoliosis which causes frequent lower back pain and so I use my Pranamat turtle every day. I put it on the back of my couch, and then I lean on it and it feels amazing. Instant relief. It is very calming and soothing too. I recommend this product to anyone and everyone for every day use. I also use the turtle for neck pain when needed.
Kimberly Dawn Havens
I have two Pranamat sets, and every other form that this website has/does offer(ed) and if that doesn't tell you how much I love this product, then nothing will. It helps with everything, from my migraines to tight back muscles and sore feet. I love it!
S. Green
My pranamat is LITERALLY the only thing that eradicates my fibro pain. Literally within a couple of minutes of using it the pain just dissolves. It is so relaxing, it’s like all the tension just leaves my body. Best nights sleep too!
Lucy Whigham
In the evening, lying in the armchair, the mat is against my back. I like having thin T-shirt on - that way the massage doesn't feel too painful, while the back gets pleasantly warm. After using the mat almost every evening, the back pain has practically disappeared. I definitely recommend trying it!
Katrin Pebsen-Zachrau
Love love love my Pranamat! Definitely recommend!
Jody Thomas O'Brien
I admit, I was skeptical at first. However, I had so much neck pain from grinding my teeth. I was willing to try anything. I’ve been using this pretty much every evening for the past six months and I no longer grind my teeth. My neck pain is now gone, and I have a much better nights sleep. Also used the small heart under a sprained knees while sitting and it made a huge difference in the pain I had been feeling while sitting. I am no longer skeptical!
Lea Near
The Pranamat set is amazing. This is the best investment I have made in myself in a while. Thanks to a couple car accidents about 10yrs ago I go to the chiropractor monthly. However, this set has given me a lot of pain relief the day my set was delivered I removed everything from the box to try it right away. I keep the piece that is shown for your feet to use for my back when driving everyday. I am a much happier person after using this product!!
Pranamat quality

Alta qualità



Colori anallergici e imbottiture naturali

Scegliamo sempre materiali sicuri al 100%, sia per il corpo che per l'ambiente.

Alta qualità

L'elemento di massaggio ad alte prestazioni, a forma di petalo di loto, ha una forma unica che sollecita la pelle in profondità senza ferirla.

Tecnologie avanzate di saldatura

Nella produzione non viene utilizzata alcuna colla: i fiori di loto sono fissati saldamente utilizzando la tecnologia di pressatura termica.